The Three Types of Concrete Foundations

The Three Types of Concrete FoundationsIf you look up the meaning of a foundation in the dictionary, you will find several variations. However, they all describe a foundation as a base that supports an idea, structure, or fact. Thus, a foundation could be a scientific principle, a starting point, or a law. In modern construction terminology, however, contractors typically describe a foundation as a structure’s lowest load-bearing component. Throughout history, people have built foundations from a variety of materials and in various fashions. Today, though, most homes and buildings have concrete foundations and concrete footings.

What Are Concrete Footings?

Concrete footings are structural elements that support foundations and help prevent them from settling. Your Dallas concrete contractor will pour concrete for the footings, which may contain rebar for reinforcement. The type of footing and its dimensions will depend on the size and type of the structure that is under construction.

Are Concrete Foundations Only for Large Buildings?

Concrete companies routinely pour foundations for backyard sheds, stone fences, greenhouses, and many other structures that are comparatively small. In some cases, you could classify the concrete slabs for truck scales, parking lot gates, and guard shacks as structures that rest on foundations.

Is My Cement Driveway a Type of Concrete Foundation?

Although many people use the terms interchangeably, cement and concrete are two different materials. Concrete does contain cement, but the reverse is not true. Furthermore, although a driveway is a slab, unless it is supporting a structure, it is not a foundation.

What Are the Three Types of Foundations That a Concrete Company Might Frequently Install?

A concrete company must consider several factors before choosing the best foundation type to install. Factors include the amount of load that the foundation will support and the quality of the soil at the concrete installation site. They will also consider the typical ground temperature in the winter as well as whether the structure will be heated. Using this information, the concrete contractor will choose to install a slab-on-grade, frost-protected, or T-shaped foundation.

What Is a Slab-on-Grade Foundation?

Concrete companies typically only install slab-on-grade foundations if the ground at the building site does not freeze. Usually, a concrete contractor will install a base of crushed gravel to facilitate drainage. This type of foundation only needs one concrete pour, and the footings normally contain rebar. In most cases, this is the least expensive type of foundation.

What Is a Frost-Protected Foundation?

A frost-protected foundation is almost identical to a slab-on-grade foundation. The essential difference is that a frost-protected foundation uses insulation at the exterior wall edges and atop the gravel at the wall base. Although this type of foundation is suitable for areas where the ground may freeze, it is only suitable for heated structures.

What Is a T-Shaped Foundation?

This is the most popular type of foundation, but it is typically also the most expensive. To install a traditional T-shaped foundation, your Dallas concrete will need to make three separate pours.

1. The first pour is for the footing. The footing lies below the frost line, and it is wider than its walls.
2. The contractor constructs and pours the walls.
3. The final step is to pour the foundation between the walls.

At HI-TEK Paving, we are experts in concrete installation, asphalt and repair. Our services include the construction of concrete foundations, concrete slabs, and concrete ramps; asphalt paving, patching, and resurfacing; asphalt crack repair, sealcoating, and repair; and parking lot striping. We have an exemplary reputation for quality, professionalism, and service. For a free quote, complete our request form online, give us a call at 214-908-9641, or email Kevin@Hi-TekPaving.com.