What Can I Do to Improve an Older Residential Asphalt Driveway?

What Can I Do to Improve an Older Residential Asphalt Driveway?Your residential asphalt driveway has a major impact on your home’s curb appeal, and your curb appeal can affect your property values as well as your reputation. If your driveway has become an eyesore or unsafe, you may be wondering how to improve it. There are some things that you can do yourself, but there are other things that should be left to an experienced, trustworthy asphalt paving professional.

What Tasks Can I Perform Myself to Improve My Asphalt Driveway?

Although driveway asphalt paving can provide decades of service, it does better if you give it a little help from time to time.

1. Keep your Dallas asphalt driveway clean. Sweep away grass clippings, remove piles of dead leaves, and collect trash as soon as it blows onto your property. If vehicles leak oil or other fluids onto your asphalt driveway in Dallas, remove them promptly. Cat litter can be an excellent material for sopping up vehicle fluids, but you should make sure that you dispose of it properly.
2. If grass or weeds are growing in the cracks of your driveway asphalt, eradicate them. Along the same lines, eliminate grass or weeds that are growing right next to the edges of your asphalt driveway in Dallas.
3. Assess the condition of your Dallas asphalt driveway regularly. It is a good idea to conduct monthly inspections so that you can deal with minor issues before they turn into more serious problems.

What Can a Professional Do to Improve an Older Asphalt Driveway?

Once you have done all you can to improve the condition of your Dallas asphalt driveway, it is time to contact a trustworthy professional for assistance. Depending on the nature of the problem, there are several possible solutions.

1. Asphalt driveway repair can include crack repairs, patches, and pothole repairs. The category may also include the resolution of drainage issues. If you ask for professional assistance early on, the cost of an asphalt driveway repair is normally quite reasonable.
2. Asphalt driveway resurfacing is a viable option if the underlying foundation is in relatively stable condition. To perform an asphalt driveway resurfacing procedure, contractors first remove a predetermined depth of the existing pavement, which normally removes all damage. They then place and compact fresh driveway asphalt.
3. If the foundation or the pavement is severely damaged, contractors often find it is more cost-effective to remove and repave a driveway. To repave driveway asphalt pavements, the existing pavement will be demolished and the debris removed. Subterranean drainage issues may need to be addressed, and the foundation will likely need to be reconstructed. Next, fresh asphalt paving will be installed and compacted.
4. Before you commit to a more drastic solution, you might want to ask your contractor whether sealcoating your asphalt driveway would be a reasonable option. It is always a good ideal to sealcoat an asphalt driveway in Dallas to help prevent damage from the sun and automotive fluids. However, sealcoating can also improve the appearance of an asphalt pavement by restoring it to its original dark color and giving the surface a more even appearance.

How Much Does an Asphalt Driveway Cost?

The first question you need to answer is which service you need. Do you want your contractor perform asphalt driveway resurfacing, or do you want to remove and repave the driveway? The next questions can only be answered by a Dallas asphalt driveway contractor. What kind of load will your asphalt driveway support? In other words, do you plan to drive or park an RV or boat on your driveway? How many vehicles use your driveway, and how often do they come and go? How do you plan to maintain your new asphalt driveway in Dallas? Do you have the time and ability to clean it regularly? Do you plan to hire a professional to sealcoat it periodically? Your contractor will also need to determine the appropriate asphalt thickness and measure the surface area. If you would like a very rough estimate, asphalt driveway resurfacing is normally at least half as much as a new asphalt driveway cost.

HI-TEK Paving serves residential, commercial, and industrial clients in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Our services include asphalt paving and overlaying, asphalt repairs, asphalt sealcoating, and asphalt crack repairs. We also offer parking lot maintenance plans, concrete repair and installation, and parking lot striping. We have an exemplary reputation that is based on the extremely high quality of our work and our dedication to customer service. We offer free quotes with no strings attached, so fill out the online form to submit your request. If you prefer, you can email the information to Info@HI-TekPavingDallas.com, or you can call us at 214-908-9641.