Three Factors to Consider When Determining Asphalt Paving Costs

Three Factors to Consider When Determining Asphalt Paving Costs Asphalt pavements are attractive, rapid to construct, and surprisingly economical. As a property owner, however, you probably want to know exactly how much a new pavement will cost. Depending on a multitude of factors, asphalt paving costs can vary widely. However, three factors have the potential to have the most impact on the cost. These are the function and size of your pavement, the location of the worksite, and the condition of the worksite.

How Does the Function and Size of a Pavement Affect the Asphalt Paving Cost?

On most Dallas paving projects, the cost of the asphalt is a significant portion of the total cost. The size of the pavement determines the overall square footage, but this is only part of the equation. Paving contractors must also determine the proper asphalt thickness to calculate the total tons of asphalt that the project will require. The function of the pavement is an important part in determining the proper asphalt thickness. For example, if 18-wheelers will routinely use a parking lot, the asphalt must be thick enough to support them. If the asphalt is too thin, it will quickly suffer significant damage. On the other hand, if the paving asphalt is thicker than it needs to be, the asphalt paving company is wasting the customer’s money.

How Does the Location of the Worksite Affect the Cost of Asphalt Paving in Dallas?

If you look at a map of the DFW metroplex, you will notice that it encompasses a vast area. Your asphalt company likely stores its equipment near its office, which could be many miles from your worksite. Your worksite could also be many miles from the batch plant that supplies the paving asphalt. Fuel, travel time, and salaries for truck drivers or employees can all affect the cost of your project. Typically, this is not a substantial impact, but it could be if your worksite is extremely remote.

How Does the Condition of the Worksite Affect the Paving Cost?

Before quoting a price for asphalt paving in Dallas, contractors will want to visit the site to determine the answers to several questions.

1. Is the site undeveloped? If you plan to build a pavement on raw land, the contractor will need to clear the site. This could involve removing unwanted trees, boulders, or vegetation to make it possible to grade the site.
2. Are there structures on the site that the contractor will need to demolish? Some examples are existing pavements, abandoned buildings, and remnants of foundations. If your Dallas paving company must demolish structures and remove the debris, your price could increase.
3. What type of soil is present? When installing asphalt paving in Dallas, contractors can encounter many different soil types. Some are too clayey or too sandy to compact properly. Depending on the nature of the soil insufficiency, it may be necessary to excavate and replace some of the soil. Alternatively, the contractor might be able to design and construct an adequate artificial base.
4. Does the terrain offer any special problems? The contractor will assess the surrounding terrain to determine whether berms, special drainage features, or retaining walls are necessary.

Whether you need parking lot resurfacing, maintenance, or asphalt paving construction, HI-TEK Paving can assist you. We serve a wide variety of clients throughout the greater Dallas area. We have a stellar reputation for consistently delivering work of the highest quality with the utmost professionalism. Our services include asphalt resurfacing and paving, asphalt repair, concrete installation, parking lot striping, concrete repair, asphalt sealcoating, and asphalt crack repair. Contact us today to request a free quote on your next project. You can either use our online form to submit your request, or you can call our office at 214-908-9641.